Wednesday, December 12, 2007

MDP Leadership lied to the Greater Majority of the Party!

When the Special Majlis had its Business Committee meeting without its original chair and was chaired by Dr. Hussain Rasheed, on the 9th of December, to decide whether the Majlis should go for recess, my sources confirm to me that the MDP and PA was going to boycott the meeting.

But the truth of the matter is that while PA kept its commitment to boycott the Businesses Committee meeting MDP or rather Anni, in the most dictatorial fashion allowed two of his members to attend the meeting, so that the quorum could be met, while the MDP parliamentary group was also kept in the dark on this matter. My disappointment of MDP increased 10 fold because of this action taken by Anni.

It is my belief he is also wanting to buy time much like Gayyoom (his agenda is always obvious - remain in power as long as possible), to push their own agenda's (that he has not made public yet), the agenda being that Anni is almost convinced that MDP should be backing Dr. Saeed presidential bid. This would in the end result in much greater infighiting between the true reformists and the grassroots activist and the leadership of the MDP. As for the so called "Maldivian Democratic Alliance Movement" is merely hanging by a thread and Gayyoom appears to get ready to slip through the chaos that he is engineering between all the political factions through this alliance.

The reasons for the recess was proposed by the government or DRP because President Gayyoom is going to be out of town for Haj and he does not want to loose control of the proceedings of the Majlis.

Anni's support for this recess without the consent of the majority of the party members is that he is busy gaining international support for Saeed's proposal for a transitional government ahead of the proposed multi party elections in 2008. the down side of this is that he constitution is not finished yet and the main focus right now should be on finishing a constitution that reflects the democratic aspirations of the people of this republic.

The Majlis has already missed 2 deadlines, one promised by the government the other voted and agreed on the floor of the Majlis by its members. The rushing of the Constitutional reform has already resulted in so many blunders being made that is not in the favor of the democratic aspirations of the freedom loving and democracy aspiring Maldivian population.

But now since the deadlines has been missed and the creation of a new deadline has been rejected in the floor of the Majlis on the night of th 30th December just before the deadline of midnight, the pulse of the Majlis is to continue as it is going as witnessed by the Pandemonium that took place after Gasim Ibrahim announced to the plenary of the Majlis on the 10th of December that the Business Committee has unanimously decided to go for a recess when the fact of the matter is the it could not have been a unanimous meeting when some members of the committee did not attend the meeting. Gasim "acting under the orders" of someone has broken the rules of the Majlis and lied to the greater population of this Nation.

The Majlis has been working non stop for more that 190 days now, and after all this work, the pulse of the most of the members is that we do not need a break of this long any more, but rather lets continue in this spirit of national unity and finish of this constitutional reform process as soon as possible so that we could hold a multi-party election in 2008 which Gayyoom appears to be adamant to not to allow it to happen.

Career politicians and Greedy politicans

Years of programing or conditioning of the minds of the public has lead to a society to believe that the only way ahead is my being corrupt. I call this corruption because I cannot call an apple an orange. But these so called politicians don't necessarily see them as corrupt politicians, but their actions are a means to end. Its more "doing friends favors" as they would like to call it and they see it as actions done for the greater good of this country that I strongly disagree and object.

My many conversations with the so called politicians in this country confirm this attitude as a prevalent problem among the whole order of the society and the political actors in this country. They would take more than give more to the people they are supposed to represent at different levels of parliament or government.

This has become a decease among the population. A decease so deep rooted that it is near impossible to uproot it and plant new seeds to grow a whole new crop of decent career politicians with the peoples best interest at heart. I am at a complete loss as to how this "truly democratic" movement would move towards building a generation of career politicians without their own agendas.

If my readers are having any ideas please share these with all of us so that we can try and build this country for the benefit of this nation. I refuse to believe that money dictates everything and that humanity can be so unreliable.

I have been able to make contacts with certain individuals that might possibly have no personal agenda other than try and build a nation on the likes of Dubai or Singapore and this is a better option than the ones that is being presented by MDP, DRP, PA or the New Maldives Movement.

For the record I would like to stress that, the other available options of Adaalath, IDP and currently now pushing for independence from the government, the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs are not going to be good political options for this country and we as forward thinking Maldivians should try and stop them in their tracks before they get out of hand. For this we need the support of all concerned Maldivian citizens to work together.

Let us try and put aside our differences and work together to build this nation that is slowly sliding into economic and social chaos at a rapid rate.

Maldivian Bloggers Community!

I would very much appreciate all Maldivian Bloggers sending me their links for me to include in "Maldivian Bloggers" section of this blog of mine. The idea is to create a one stop Maldivian Blog Center that we all bloggers could reach out to and exchange ideas.

Looking forward to support from you all Blog Heads out there!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Human Rights for Some!

Last nights show organized by some of the local NGO's and MDP was a success to some, because we did end up celebrating the World Human Rights Day without interference from the Government Authorities or the police being there. It was a much smoother affair than the previous year when the Maldives police and the Military cracked down on the crowd and ultimately shut down the celebrations.

Gayyoom has been one smart 'mofo' all these years. He has hidden the World Human Rights Day in the Maldives as the Fisherman's Day since he became president. But since the reform movement started and as it gained momentum the public in general had realized that there actually is a day for the celebration of our rights as humans that unites and brings us all together.

But it does leave the question of the poor fisherman who toil the seas for a living and is considered as one of the backbones of this society. Other than the 10th of December, they should still be given a day that we all celebrate our fisherman that makes the islands of this beautiful Nation ever so slightly livable under the oppressive rulers of all our leaders according to history and not just Gayyoom himself.

Back on the Blog!

After a long break from my blog, it feels good to be back. My sincere apologies for being away, but unavoidable circumstances lead me to not be able to post for a long time.

A few friends of mine asked me whether I ran out of things to say, but I assure you all my readers that, that is not the case. I have been simply very busy with work and also my health has been a factor for me to be unable to do any posting all this time. But now I am feeling much better and taking better care of myself.

So at this critical juncture in the political scenario of this country I am so excited to be back and posting my thoughts on the events that are unfolding all around us, directly and indirectly effecting our lives.