Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Congratulations to Dr. Munavvar & the MDP!

Its been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. Life just seems to find many ways to make a person so busy that one simply cannot do something as simple as post on a personal Blog.

Anyways, MDP elections are over. It wasn't the best of elections by any standards, but it was probably the best and most democratic election that was ever held in the Maldives. I hope the concerned people in power do take note and accept its time to be a lot more democratic (I guess its still wishful thinking -- but one can hope can't I?).

I have to say I was a bit surprised at the results of the election with Dr. Munavvar being elected as president of the only established democratic party in the country. I would have picked Zaki to have won, simply because he is the lesser of two evils. Why am I surprised? Its like this you see. A soldier cannot kill a child, woman or an unarmed civilian and say he was simply following orders. Much the same I don't think it excuses Dr. Munavvar for all the atrocities that he committed whilst the Attorney General of this country simply because he apologized. By his own admission he had sentenced or prosecuted more than 40,000 of our country men unjustly to later simply say he was sorry. I think there is something seriously messed up about the people of this country who gladly handed over the reigns of only democratic party when the people should in actual fact be holding him accountable for his crimes. Yes I do call it crimes.

Anyways, whats done is done, so lets wait and see how this new saga of our struggle for democracy will unfold. Only time will tell... adios!

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